Kate and I enjoyed a delightful day off today. We took full advantage of the time to relax... sort of.
We took our time heading out this morning, waking up a little bit later... 6:15. After enjoying a relaxed breakfast we decided to let it warm up a bit before we headed out.
Our hosts had recommended checking out the thermal pools in Parakai. We had a lovely hand drawn map to provide directions and a VIP card so we could save a little money. With all of these treasures, as well as phone cards and phone numbers, we were prepared for another adventure!
We made our way to the wood shed for our bikes. There was quite an array of bikes to choose from. You had the half scooter, half skateboard, half bicycle pint size for a full 1 and a 1/2 bike. There was the chopper (that's right, the fake motorocycle). And then there were the more traditional bikes. Kate and I opted for the traditional bikes. After careful inspection, we chose the two that most looked like we would fit and least looked like their chain would rust off with the first crank.
Brushing aside the copwebs and dusting the seats, we prepared to take on the sheep in the driveway. We set out. Stopped. And switched bikes. Then, we set out for real. After spending my summer on a tire that was 23mm the 4 inch tire was slightly intimidating. Rusty though it was, the chain did take to cranking and shifting quite nicely. I couldn't get into my smallest chain ring, but I figured it was no big deal. Katrina and Dene had indicated that we were in for a pleasant ride to the park. Of course, pleasant might have meant interesting and interesting might have meant grueling.
The gravel road promised to be an adventure all on it's own. And the map failed to show the GIANT hill that Kate and I should have remembered from our drive to the farm. But forgive us our lapse in memory, it was dark, we had been traveling for far more than 30 hours at that point, and had just spent and hour and a half standing in a train station then traipsing up and down a hill to find said drive.
Suddenly, it seemed no small matter that the chain was rejecting the smallest chain ring. But obviously, my entire summer was meant to prepare me for this moment. So I conquered that giant of a hill. I'm fairly certain that the grade in some places surpassed any that I saw this past summer. Amazed that we survived to see the top, we took a well deserved water break. OF course, our excuse was the gorgeous scenery. It was just lovely and I know I only took a break so I could document the beauty...

Then we started the downhill. The scenery proved to be more beautiful on this side of the hill. OF course, the slope also proved to be far more steep. We were already weary of the return journey. The steep grades and sharp turns had me holding my breaks and left me delirious with delight when we reached the pave road.
When we arrived at the pools, I learned that I needn't of squeezed my brakes quite so hard. As soon as we were away from the traffic, I heard it. The brakes were rubbing. Obviously this explained why I was riding so slow, not that I was out of shape! I could stop blaming the fat tires and the tiny frame. I tried to adjust the brakes, but to no avail, since I was not carrying my handy dandy multi tool. If anything I think I made them worse. I certainly noticed the rubbing far more on the way back home.
The Aquatic Park proved to be an enjoyable side adventure. It had pools, "spas," and slides all filled by the thermal springs. The pool was enjoyable. But the best part was when we ventured into the spas. These were private rooms made available to us for free by the ever lovely VIP card. In there we were delighted to find a hot top filled with jets for creating a bubbly wonder. I'm amazed that we ever left.
The ride back did prove more interesting. The hill was definitely steeper on this side. When I started to get legitimately frightened that I was going to fall backwards (I'm not kidding, it was so steep that I really feared plopping backwards on several occasions, and I swear I saw my front tire leave the ground...) I decided it was time to ditch my pride and walk a hill. Besides, there were lots of cute little lambs and beautiful country to gaze upon! So I admit it, I walked up the hill and thoroughly enjoyed myself!
The ride down was also far more enjoyable. I was more comfortable on the behemoth of a bike and did squeeze the brakes... at least not the entire way.
Back at the farm we enjoyed a late lunch with our host Dene. We had been looking forward to lunch time all day, because lunch meant delicious left overs from dinner! During lunch we learned another secret. Dene isn't just any ole cool. We are important enough to have our meals prepared for us by someone who used to cook for the Prime Minister (he insists that it was way back when). That's right. Kate and I are as important as the Prime Minister. Bet you didn't know that.
After a low key afternoon (Even Molly was calm!), we enjoyed help from Katrina and Dene to plan the rest of our trip. They informed us of the must see areas, and had a couple of contacts so we could get some host stays planned. Pretty fantastic.
Tomorrow, we're going to Tauranga for a short side adventure with our hosts. Then back to the farm to work our butts off Sunday afternoon and all day Monday. On Tuesday we head south to Rotorua!
We took our time heading out this morning, waking up a little bit later... 6:15. After enjoying a relaxed breakfast we decided to let it warm up a bit before we headed out.
Our hosts had recommended checking out the thermal pools in Parakai. We had a lovely hand drawn map to provide directions and a VIP card so we could save a little money. With all of these treasures, as well as phone cards and phone numbers, we were prepared for another adventure!
We made our way to the wood shed for our bikes. There was quite an array of bikes to choose from. You had the half scooter, half skateboard, half bicycle pint size for a full 1 and a 1/2 bike. There was the chopper (that's right, the fake motorocycle). And then there were the more traditional bikes. Kate and I opted for the traditional bikes. After careful inspection, we chose the two that most looked like we would fit and least looked like their chain would rust off with the first crank.
Brushing aside the copwebs and dusting the seats, we prepared to take on the sheep in the driveway. We set out. Stopped. And switched bikes. Then, we set out for real. After spending my summer on a tire that was 23mm the 4 inch tire was slightly intimidating. Rusty though it was, the chain did take to cranking and shifting quite nicely. I couldn't get into my smallest chain ring, but I figured it was no big deal. Katrina and Dene had indicated that we were in for a pleasant ride to the park. Of course, pleasant might have meant interesting and interesting might have meant grueling.
The gravel road promised to be an adventure all on it's own. And the map failed to show the GIANT hill that Kate and I should have remembered from our drive to the farm. But forgive us our lapse in memory, it was dark, we had been traveling for far more than 30 hours at that point, and had just spent and hour and a half standing in a train station then traipsing up and down a hill to find said drive.
When we arrived at the pools, I learned that I needn't of squeezed my brakes quite so hard. As soon as we were away from the traffic, I heard it. The brakes were rubbing. Obviously this explained why I was riding so slow, not that I was out of shape! I could stop blaming the fat tires and the tiny frame. I tried to adjust the brakes, but to no avail, since I was not carrying my handy dandy multi tool. If anything I think I made them worse. I certainly noticed the rubbing far more on the way back home.
The Aquatic Park proved to be an enjoyable side adventure. It had pools, "spas," and slides all filled by the thermal springs. The pool was enjoyable. But the best part was when we ventured into the spas. These were private rooms made available to us for free by the ever lovely VIP card. In there we were delighted to find a hot top filled with jets for creating a bubbly wonder. I'm amazed that we ever left.
The ride back did prove more interesting. The hill was definitely steeper on this side. When I started to get legitimately frightened that I was going to fall backwards (I'm not kidding, it was so steep that I really feared plopping backwards on several occasions, and I swear I saw my front tire leave the ground...) I decided it was time to ditch my pride and walk a hill. Besides, there were lots of cute little lambs and beautiful country to gaze upon! So I admit it, I walked up the hill and thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Back at the farm we enjoyed a late lunch with our host Dene. We had been looking forward to lunch time all day, because lunch meant delicious left overs from dinner! During lunch we learned another secret. Dene isn't just any ole cool. We are important enough to have our meals prepared for us by someone who used to cook for the Prime Minister (he insists that it was way back when). That's right. Kate and I are as important as the Prime Minister. Bet you didn't know that.
Tomorrow, we're going to Tauranga for a short side adventure with our hosts. Then back to the farm to work our butts off Sunday afternoon and all day Monday. On Tuesday we head south to Rotorua!
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