Kate's computer is too advanced! I wrote a really awesome blog entery on her computer, but I can't post it, because she has the newest version of Word and this computer doesn't. That silly girl. I'll have to see if I can save the document as an older version, because it was way better than whatever I'm about to write.
We have left our island paradise. Our second week there was awesome. School was back in session, so we no longer had to grub tawenie. Although, I did miss the views of the sounds that we had while working... and the skill that it took to not tumble down the insanely steep hill. For this part of our visit, we spent the mornings supervising the children as they comleted their lessons from correspondence school and the afternoons doing general household/child watching activities.
My favorite parts of afternoons playing house? 1. making the world's best oatmeal raisen cookies (Yes mom, I got the recipe) 2. Using a rainy day to get Sarah addicted to playing puzzle! Yay playing puzzle!
Saturday morning marked the end of our island vacation. Though Kate will tell you, it was far from a vacation, but it was quite fun. We spent the morning packing paua to bring to town. This involved getting them to use their giant muscles to hold onto each other so we could squeeze them nice and tight into some blue bins for the ride to town. Then we packed all of the blue bins into the boat, and I wondered how Mike and three Woofers were going to fit in there. Then we added our bags to the boat, and I really got worried. But about an hour and some dolphin sightings later, we all made it safely to Picton.
Kate and I took a bus down the Kaikoura coast to Christchurch. It was a rainy day to see some beautiful country, as most of our traveling days are. We tried our best to enjoy the passing scenery, we had opted not to stay in this region in the interest of time, who ever would have guessed that three months would not be enough! The road was windy and hilly, even by New Zealand Standards. But I was rewarded for fighting off car sickness (Again) by the beautiful scenery and lots and lots of seals! Some of the rocky beaches were completely covered by these funny organisms. They were quite cute, as they undulated their entire bodies just to hop forward a couple of inches! Or as they curled their tails around so they could scratch behind their whiskers! I never would have imangined that manuever.
We arrived in Christchurch in the early evening and caught a bus to Rangiora to meet our new host. Jane Buxton is a woman with many hats. She is the author of several (several meaning lots and lots and lots) children's books as well as a LLAMA/ALPACA farm. That's right! I got to stay on a llama and alpaca farm.
And I don't feel like rewriting anymore. So I'm going to try and figure out how to get the document I already wrote on the internet, and you'll just have to wait to read about my time among the llamas.
Blue Hills Traverse and Thanksgiving Camp
6 years ago
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